Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness

Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness (NOSC) have survived intact through millions of years of evolution and as such deserve our considered attention and respect. The term itself, though self-explanatory on one level, can raise questions with regard to how such a condition can contribute to understanding ourselves, our relationship to others and to our environment.

NOSC is the necessary pre-condition for the mechanism-of-action described in Ivor Browne’s hypothesis of ‘Unexperienced Experience’ to be activated. We cannot evoke or conjure up this mechanism from ordinary consciousness. The trajectory is first to enter a NOSC, whereupon the mechanism-of-action may be activated to release traumatic material that Dr. Browne characterizes as ‘the frozen present’.


Eminent psychiatrist Dr. Browne hypothesizes that, during traumatic events, the psyche spontaneously creates a Non-Ordinary State of Consciousness (NOSC) for our own protection, effectively disconnecting us from memories of difficult experiences, memories that we then suppress in order to function.

This toxic material can be released from our body and mind by re-entering NOSC, thereby activating the mechanism-of-action that releases the trauma.

This hypothesis describes the biological ability of the body to heal itself, achieved by addressing the root-causes of trauma, resulting in the lasting release of symptoms. Integration work with a trained therapist is critical to ensuring healthy outcomes.


Therapeutic Modalities

In the spirit of Ivor’s hypothesis, Rebecoming's approach is agnostic. To understand the mechanism-of-action, we will study mindfulness, breathwork, hypnotic regression, and other therapeutic modalities as permissible by regulators.